I've always wanted to start a blog but never had reason enough to do so. "What would I blog about?"
"Who would read it?" "Would I be able to write something witty and entertaining enough to hold one's
attention longer than a Britney Spears marriage?!"
The world may never know, but I will go forth with my endeavor with courage and sarcasm.
I'm a 23 year old photo major and no matter how old I get and how much knowledge I acquire, I can't get enough.
I love learning and delving into new information and hobbies but have a bad tendency to not finish much. :/ I blame my mac for conditioning me to receiving instant gratification... it's sooo fast...
When I'm not drooling over my Macbook Pro and photoshopping my head onto various zoo animal's bodies,

I like being an average college student- procrastinating on homework, hanging out with friends and adding various art supplies to my ever growing collection :)
As a theater minor, I also spend a good deal of time in Lyman working shows as Costume Crew Manager for our school's Drama club "The Crescent Players."

Most of all though, I love my siblings. I'm the oldest of 4 which means I have photo models on demand. It's pretty fantastic.
Diana is 20, David is 11 and Emily is 8.

Other than that, I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky person. I sing out loud whenever possible, take as many pictures as I can,
and enjoy spending time with my family as well as my Lauren <3
haha photoshop your head to animals...i love it. =)